Monday, July 5, 2010

Rollerblading in Balboa

The Hubs works for a private company that gives all floating holidays, so he wasn't originally planning on taking today off. After waking up at 6:30, getting dressed, driving all the way to his office, only to find NO ONE there, he came back and we made plans to do something completely crazy. It was the perfect day to take Parsnip rollerblading at the beach.

Our original plan was to rollerblade from Venice to Santa Monica, but since it took us 2 hours to drive back to the OC from Pasadena last night, we opted to the much closer Balboa Island. I'm really glad we decided on the closer venture because 2 minutes into our adventure, this happened:
That's right. The Hubs snapped off my rollerblade strap. It was so loud that a passerby even let out an audible, "Oh no!" But since my dad gifted me with his humongo large calves, I was able to rollerblade without closing the top strap.

Parsnip and I sported our matching striped dresses and we turned many-a-head as we zoomed by. She even got to ride on the ferry to Balboa Peninsula! Parsnip was a trooper and didn't even laugh when I totally ate it coming off a curb. The Hubs bought me not one, not two, but three desserts to mend my wounds.


  1. I wish I have the nerve to learn rollerblading. It's funny how I think it's cool rollerblading but am so scared of falling and hurting myself.

    I'm now following your blog!

  2. Thanks, RoseBelle! The Hubs had to teach me how to rollerblade back when we were dating. It was not pretty!

  3. that last line reminds me of that time at that spicy Thai place...not one, not two, but THREE bowls of soup to dilute it. :P
