Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mario, Luigi and the very Blogtastic Day

Today started off as any other day. I woke up, drank my ice coffee, and went to the preschool as normal. When I took my first break at around 9:30, I checked my phone and saw that I had sold a Mario costume from the etsy shop. Neat! Nothing too abnormal.

At lunch, I checked my emails again, and saw that I had a message wondering if I would have the Mario costumes back in stock AND another order for the remaining Luigi costume. Interesting... I relisted the Mario and Luigi costumes and was surprised to see that they, too, sold out by the time I got to my kickboxing class at 4:30.

This amount of traffic is pretty abnormal for a little shop like mine. Every once in awhile, I like to google myself just in case something fishy is going on. Here is what popped up today:

When the Hubs saw this, he went, "AMAGAH. KOTAKU IS LIKE THE BIGGEST VIDEOGAME BLOG EVAR!" Well, he was a bit more composed than that, but lets just say he was VERY proud of Parsnip and gave her extra kisses tonight. So, thank you,, and a BIG thank you to Jonna at Style Lush for creating this latest frenzy!

Parsnip is celebrating her newfound fame by de-stuffing one of her innocent toys.

Someone's going to poop fuzz tonight!

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