Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Parsnip's Picks and the Tustin Chili Cookoff

Every once in awhile, there are perks to living in a small town. Every year, the city of Tustin has a dog-friendly Chili Cookoff. Luckily, I had whipped up something for Parsnip and I to wear earlier this week.

Why, yes, those are matching draw-string bow-tie striped dresses! Here's a better shot at the dresses:

The bow was even supposed to go on the same size, but I think I have my dress on backwards. When we were there, I found an award that I think Parsnip has a good chance of winning:

Everyone loves a wiener! Even though the Hubs and I didn't actually TRY any chili this year (it was just way too hot and way to crowded), it wasn't a total loss. Parsnip got to clean the streets by eating fallen kettle corn AND we found something for the first ever "Parsnip's Picks" feature!

The Hubs and I have been looking for a new leash for Parsnip since her birthday, and discovered this neat Bungee Leash from Xtreme Pet Products. When I first saw it, I thought, "Ooo...neon yellow...pretty!" Imagine my surprise when the sales person had me hold the comfort handle while he tugged on the end. When I didn't automatically get it, he explained, "It's an anti-pull leash." ANTI-PULL?! FOR THE QUEEN OF PULLERS?! I'M SOLD! We hooked Parsnip for a trial run and had the Hubs run down the street. After pulling once, she looked at him, looked at me, then SAT! Okay, then she glared. But it WORKED! We forked over the $18, but it appears to be cheaper when you buy direct from Xtreme Pet Products. I also saw that they make comfort step in harnesses! I'd love to try one of these on Princess Parsnip Puller Pants!


  1. I totally LOVE the matching outfits!!! My Dachshund pulls on his leash too..... maybe I should try one of these!!

  2. I love the matching outfits soo cute! Followed your blog, I wouldn't have known you had one if it wasn't for Follow Me back Tuesday, what a cool idea!

  3. I *really* want to try the comfort harness that they offer. I got an email from them and they said more step in harnesses will be available next month. Parsnip is a Picky Puppy and doesn't do well with any harness that goes around her neck (she has to step into them like a training bra). Since her little legs are so short, it chafes under her armpits...poor thing! I do need the harness to be small enough so it doesn't show under her outfits ;) I guess this one would be like her "sports bra"!
